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Eating Our Own

The Valley Patriot- I’m proud to say that Charlie Baker is my governor and my neighbor.

I served with him as fellow elected members of Swampscott Town Meeting and on the Swampscott Republican Town Committee. I don’t think I’ve ever met an elected official so focused on true public service. An exceptional man of unquestionable character working overtime to try and bring the Commonwealth back from eight years of grossly incompetent management perpetrated by a race baiting political bottom feeder in the Corner Office.

Great strides have already been made by Governor Baker and his team. He’s addressed the decades of mismanagement and hack stacking throughout the state’s ranks. He’s worked tirelessly to ensure that the welfare system is not abused. He continues to direct his managers to provide services in a professional way with the highest degree of professionalism, while at the same time reminding them that the taxpayers are paying the bills and there must be respect shown for the people’s checkbook.

Given the accomplishments of Team Baker, I’m puzzled by the assembling of the circular firing squad among some in the Massachusetts Republican ranks. I hear the knocks on Charlie and some are quite correct. He’s not a social conservative is one criticism that I don’t think anyone, including the Governor, would quibble with. He’s long been a supporter of same sex marriage and frankly, I did not always agree with him on that. Now that my perspective on the issue matches his, I don’t see that as any great problem. He and I disagree on the abortion question, as well. But what I have learned through the years is that you need to apply the marriage rule to all relationships and issues. I’ve been married almost seventeen years. I love my wife. I’ve watched her give birth to three beautiful children. I’d gladly step in front of an oncoming bus to save her life but she and I do not agree on one hundred percent of things one hundred percent of the time.

So, how anyone can think that they’d agree with a political leader all the time is beyond me.
There seems to be a litany of catcalls now accusing Charlie of being a RINO. Outrageous claims that he’s looking to stack the Massachusetts GOP with blindly loyal acolytes and sycophants.

There’s no question that Governor Baker wants to help elect the strongest party leaders possible.

There are a lot of slots and on some nominees you’ll find yourself agreeing with his choice and on some, well, your mileage may vary. That’s just the way it is when there’s more than one person involved in any operation. As to the RINO charge, I just don’t buy it. Your views may very well be different than Charlie’s on certain issues. It no more makes him a faux Republican than your views provide you with the power to administer the official GOP litmus test.

I, for one, continue to proudly stand with my friend, neighbor and Governor…Charlie Baker.